St. Vincent de Paul Donations at Citywest Shopping Centre

St. Vincent de Paul Donations at Citywest Shopping Centre
Here at Citywest Shopping Centre, we have been delighted to welcome our customers back in-store. The support we have received has been amazing but as we try to get back to normality, we are still thinking of those that could be going through a challenging time. To help those in need Citywest are supporting St. Vincent de Paul, a charity set up to alleviate the effects of poverty within our society.
Our ‘Share to Care’ scheme at Citywest asks our shoppers to donate what they can via the trolleys outside Dunnes Stores in centre. If you would like to contribute, when shopping for essentials you might consider picking up an extra item for donation. We would love if you could leave them in our trolleys, items will be collected on a weekly basis by the fantastic team at St. Vincent de Paul.
As always Citywest, Shopping Centre thank you for your ongoing support.
Full list of items that can be donated:
Tea & Coffee
Lemonade & Juice
Pasta & Rice
Tins of Fruit
Tuna & Salmon
Beans & Peas
Sauces & Passata
Salad Cream
Cup of soups
Packets of instant soups
Baby Products:
Baby Wipes
Nappy Bags
Baby Creams